วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Product on Feng Shui.

Product on Feng Shui.

The abundance of wealth, happiness, love and life are all located in the human mind. This can be done by following Feng Shui. Let us look at some products that can help you to attract prosperity in your life.

We all have an inherent desire to offer the very best that life has to offer. In the pursuit of happiness, we try to do something different. But as they say, life is not bed of roses, there are times when we are Faced with many Challenges and problems. Ancient Civilizations believed in the art that certain forms of injury and bad luck away. One of them is an art form of Feng Shui. Mentioned below are some products that are used in Feng Shui that promise peace and prosperity. The Laughing Buddha, laughing Buddha is a symbol of the ideals of the good life with health, happiness, prosperity and Longevity. Rub the belly of the Buddha in the belief that it will bring good luck and prosperity. When the Buddha jewelry is very important not to put it on the floor near the fireplace. This is a sign of Disrespect Dragon: This product is used to bring abundance and prosperity, good fortune, in the office or at home. It is one of the most powerful Feng Shui symbol are used to protect an adult. Real power, they are updated when they are made of jade, high - quality Chinese, precious stones, ivory and porcelain to glass Bava: This product is used to store and move Kaye and hold the arrow. Of Toxic or Harming You and your family. These Mirrors are very effective and will not be used in the building. The ideal place to hang a mirror above the entrance door bagua coin, the casinos will be used to bring luck and prosperity and happiness. Medal is circular in shape with a square in the center circle Represents heaven and the earth, so the coin shows the harmony between heaven and earth, and the bell tower Bells: Bells and bell tower used to correct the negative Effects. The intense noise such as traffic and Tedious, and the balance in our lives. The Schemes and to deliver Blockages in our mind, body and spirit that reminds us to be quiet and good, both Physically and Mentally in the flag, Chanting, color flags, prayer was made of the symbol. Printed on it to. Prayer or offering, which is distributed worldwide by air, creating favorable circumstances. Prayer flags are the perfect way of bringing it to the holy house, garden or special location. Prayer Flag Hanging high up on the Surprisingly High, Chee Bamboo Flute: Flutes, Bamboo, and Components used in the K - the - counter or Discordant Energy. It would be helpful to hang out in Pairs on a beam Overhead. The flute sound out of your energy field and the demand for money frog: This product is used to attract luck, wealth, prosperity and Longevity. Money Frog is usually placed at cash registers or in wealth. You also can place inside your front door Facing the currency symbol of the elephant, religion, holy States of the elephant is a symbol of good luck. It can be in the office or home. Chang is one of life's sacred Buddha in buddhism, an elephant is an animal paradise Ruled Feng Shui (Fu dogs, P Yarn and Kaye Lynn): The States as a symbol of prosperity, good fortune and life. Peaceful Fu These are Mythical creatures, P Yarn and Lynn Kaye has to provide people with good Intentions, the golf with weight: crystal were used in the treatment. Use Crystals to balance the yang energy, which results in greater flow of energy and life force. It is important to note that the Crystals have to be kept clean to prevent the Vibrations of the negative. Crystal said to you or that you feel drawn to the one you should Apt for the best results, mirror: it is also used in the treatment, the glass used to deflect the negative out, and reflect some of the items. Something positive to the environment. Mirrors are used in Feng Shui as a round or Octagonal in mandarin Duck, mandarin Duck is a symbol of Love and Attachment, they are said to form the Attachment strength with their partner. Therefore, they also looked like a symbol of Marital Fidelity. Presented in Pairs to house with friends on a Bamboo Lucky: Bamboo Stalks used to bring luck, happiness, prosperity and Longevity. Lucky Bamboo Arrangements are Designed so that all five elements of Feng Shui - earth, water, fire wood and metal turtle: turtle is a symbol of long life and full of joy with lots of Grandchildren. The turtle is sacred to China. Kingdom is located on the back of the office or in the garden too much gold on the bars: This product is a symbol of wealth and prosperity of the material. Bar on the base have been made in such a way that it has a limited life. Shape the design of sacred incense donors, incense Burner Stagnation and bad energy, so Promoting the flow of K is beneficial for the environment. The most Widely used in various Cultures and Traditions of spiritual fragrance distribution is close to the Vibration of the etherik higher Hangers Hangers cheap pair carp Fortune's: The Wall is being used to bring. Good luck and happy married life is that success came with hanger, a horse in the wall is a symbol of Endurance, courage and speed, a Thriving, prosperous medal Hanging: The name of the product is suitable for driving. Wealth is a home office or business, and if Jewelry nekklase ourboros: a piece of this. Jewelry that is used to reference the Which of the continuity of life and the weight must to achieve all that is in the necklace Property: The product has to be because to attract money and abundance in life. Your silver nekklase: This necklace is a reminder. You about what you have been blessed with happiness, and tempting as it is the seed of a bracelet too, because around the ankle or wrist, Bangles are a representative of the life and soul of the defense and prosperity and education. These are some of huang. Products, Feng Shui can bring joy and peace in your life. Hope that this information is useful to you.

By ratshna Gupta.

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How to use feng shui for career growth

How to use feng shui for career growth

Could it certain objects in certain corners of your house, you help ensure that long-awaited promotion or kick-start the stalled career? Let us learn how Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese technique can help in career growth.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that was developed 3,000 years ago, is based on the principles of Chinese astronomy, in order to create balance and harmony of life. It is commonly found in the architecture of many people around the world, even Donald Trump used! Feng shui literally means "wind" and "water" in Chinese. It creates a balance between all the elements in your environment and helps you to several aspects of your life with the help of Yin and Yang. It can help you to bring a sense, your career, if you are confused, if you set your career very slowly climbing the ladder of growth move or not. If you have been confused about your career options, why do not you have a world map on the wall? According to Feng Shui which helps bring focus and career decisions. There are many other aspects that Feng Shui will help you to achieve career growth.

Wind Chimes
The melodious sounds of the wind chime placed in the right corner can not only improve your mood but also your career. Wind Chimes encourage the flow of positive energy, called "chi" in feng shui. Try to look for a beautiful metal wind chime with 6 rods. If it is to hang in the center of your bedroom, you will meet an alleviation of depression than their sound with you every morning upon awakening vitality and how you sleep at night. Hang the wind with a 9 inch or inch-long red band Gong.

Positioning furniture
Since we are talking about Feng Shui for career success, this refers necessarily to the position of furniture in your office. It is strictly advised against his back to the entrance of your office or cubicle. According to Feng Shui, it creates mood, so your colleagues will be hidden behind the work of the professional development and you may have missed many career opportunities as you may not realize it. If it is absolutely unavoidable due to agency agreements, place a mirror in front of you so that the eye is clearly visible behind you. Also, if your desk is directly in front of a window so that your back is to her, it will create an atmosphere of insecurity and instability in your cabin for you. Therefore, try to close the window and blocked it by standing in front of a huge rack or. Other prohibited places on your desk feng shui position: near the entrance, directly across from a colleague or in a corner. These sites provide much distraction and prevent you from concentrating on your work and good performance. It's okay, though sitting in front of a wall. However, the best situation would be, diagonally opposite the door, sit with a wall behind your back. This position will keep you informed and in control of events around you.

Maintain your space clutter free
Feng Shui promotes always clean and tidy you keep your free. It applies to all the places you spend time at your house and office. Never store your table cluttered with lots of little things. It is also very disturbing and psychologically blocked the flow of chi and creates bad Feng Shui. More space will help you achieve more with the flow of life force in your area. Do not block room with mountains of documents and files. If it is necessary to keep them in order to visit as soon as possible and then dispose of them right outside your cabin or cabin units.

Office Interiors
If you want to hang a picture in your office, choose one that has a flock of birds or a large lake. They have positive psychological effects on your mind. You can also use a miniature replica of an airplane on the desk, always motivating you to seek more and reach higher career goals. Use blinds to reduce the intensity of natural sunlight to reduce by your office. But avoid, with tube lamps or light bulbs all the time. It's good to have some natural element into your office. Since Feng Shui deals with wind and water, a fish tank or aquarium can also help influence positive asset growth. You are required to come to eight dragon fish or gold fish to wealth and to encourage a black fish to fight against all evil spirits in the tank. Clean it regularly. You can also use an odd number of gold-fish, if you can not find a black one. Decorate your aquarium with plants, gravel and white-gray rock. It creates the perfect balance in the atmosphere. The fish tank near the entrance of your office to activate the Chi. Remove all diseased fish, because it stimulates bad chi. English ivy, ferns and bamboos are also a good choice to keep in your office.

Feng Shui Ornaments
Put a statue of a dragon with a turtle on its back in the southeastern direction, preferably on your desktop. Keep tied a Feng Shui coin with a red ribbon to make it into the mouth of the dragon. It brings happiness and new opportunities, and has very strong positive effects on growth and wealth generation career. You can also citrine crystals in your home or office. They help to attract wealth and improve your self-esteem. Other feng shui for office, the three-legged toad in order to earn additional incentives, the cock in order to save themselves from the offices of the policy to the three I-Ching coins in your wallet and money to the Chi Lin unicorn for promotions to . win

If you have something made of mud and earth to place, or placing plants in your office, do not put a water source well. Together, water and mud to create a very bad combination detrimental to your career. Also avoid earthy tones such as yellow, brown and orange. Instead, use black and blue colors in your office, these are the colors of the water in Feng Shui. In general, the career in the north direction of your home or office. Use cinnamon or patchouli-scented candles or room fresheners for your office. Agencies are highly stressed zones and you need to balance it with Feng Shui, which promotes overall good mood and creates an energetic environment. You will also keep bad energy at bay and become more productive.
By Urvashi Pokharna

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

The Basics of Feng Shui can be used in many areas of your life to create peace and harmony and increase productivity as well. Read these feng shui bedroom tips to help you design your new bedroom to create a positive impact in your life.
Feng shui, as almost everyone would know by now, is an ancient practice that originated in China, with the use of certain laws that deal to help improve the lives of people. The term Feng Shui means wind and water. The principles of Feng Shui can be used in order to have an encouraging effect in all areas of life for one person. The art of the arrangement of objects or the space in our home or office to be based on the concept of improving the flow of energy around us. Feng Shui is based on the concept of yin and yang is based. These principles are applied in order to create a significant improvement in our lives. Feng Shui is used to improve personal relationships and professional obstacles to tackle along with many other issues related to our lives. Here are some of the effects of Feng Shui in our bedroom, and some effective tips feng shui bedroom for the same.

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

Make sure the correct placement of the bed:
Will help with proper placement of the bed for you to solve a number of hurdles, which you every day in your life. Here are some dos and don'ts for same-sex
The ideal placement of the bed would be, if you can see the door to the bedroom while he was on the bed. This should not be carried out directly in front of the door or in accordance with it.

Always note that the head portion of the bed is to be placed against a wall instead of a window. Not according to the same cause restless sleep.

In order to maintain a feng shui bedroom, make sure all beds have a solid headboard and a footboard.

There are times when you really can not be able to change the position of your bed. In this case, place a mirror opposite the door. This allows you to get the door in the mirror to see if you wake up.

Keep your bedroom clean:
To have a feng shui bedroom, you would need to do this as a routine to follow as well. A clean and tidy the bedroom will help to keep a positive flow of energy. When any bedroom is decorated in an overloaded state, it will make you feel slow and sluggish in your life as well.

Clean your bedroom would also mean you get rid of old energy and in order to make room for new energy.

Make sure you remove, remove all traces of your past failed relationships, and yes, this means photos of your ex-boyfriend, or his favorite shirt or perfume bottle. This will be to impede movement of your life. Always make it a point to remove any energy associated with failed relationships.

Choose appropriate colors:
According to the principles of Feng Shui the bedroom should be kept in appropriate colors, so it has a positive effect. Warm colors are thought to be about a calming effect (colors such as cream or chocolate) and cool colors as useful to have a better sleep patterns bring.

Always keep a healthy balance of warm and cool colors for your feng shui bedroom.

Select appropriate images:
With the appropriate kind of pictures in the bedroom also helps in creating the right mood and emotion between people according to the principles of Feng Shui. With the image of the water in the bedroom does not really help, because it creates a lack of passion as far as relations hit. Therefore, use the images of water in some of the active area of ​​the house.

Avoid depressing or aggressive images in your bedroom. Remember the kind of pictures that hang in the bedroom help influence your thoughts, they also have an effect on certain circumstances. Use instead of calming images.

Avoid workstations in your bedroom:
This is another bedroom feng shui tip, which advises people to avoid having your computer or even a TV in your bedroom. This should be followed, because with a computer or a desk in the bedroom symbolizes work, while the bedroom is an area for recreation must be considered. Sometimes these things to avoid, in this case, you can at least have a separate partition for the same.

Have with these feng shui bedroom tips for a happy and healthy life. Feel the positive difference in your personal life with the appropriate arrangement of things in your home!
By Kashmira Lad

Lucky Bamboo Plant: Indoor Bamboo Plant Meaning and Care

Lucky Bamboo Plant: Indoor Bamboo Plant Meaning and Care

One of the most popular cures in Feng Shui for the 90 years required by the Lucky Bamboo plant a lot of care and attention. These houseplants are really difficult to maintain because they have a high tendency to fade quickly. Want to ward off bad Fend Shui? Find out about the tips that take this indoor bamboo plant.
                 The lucky bamboo plant is a member of the Dracaena family and is known for its durability and resemblance to the bamboo plant. It is more than just used as an ornamental houseplant. It's going to believe in Feng Shui that this plant may happiness, prosperity and happiness bring. This makes it a widely preferred houseplant in offices and homes will be placed. However, his chi to more effective, it must be purchased as a gift instead of receiving themselves.

More on the plant ..
Contrary to what its name implies, the Lucky Bamboo is not bamboo at all. It is, in fact, an elastic element of the lily family that grows in the dark and tropical forests of Africa and Southeast Asia. But, are those that are used to decorate indoors are from countries like China and Taiwan, where they are bred professionally imported by botanists. The result is a beautiful plant that has curly Lucky Bamboo stalks and may be increased to even elaborate details in the design of their ornamental value, making it more expensive. This plant can survive in water alone can and will be planted in soil. In the latter case such as to ensure that the soil is kept moist at all times. This, however, does not mean that you will make the owner a mud bath.

Why is this plant as a good luck?
This plant has been associated with the Eastern practice of Feng Shui for a long time now in combination. It is believed to be an ideal example of the thriving wood and water element. Sometimes a red ribbon will also be added to shoot the positive energy flow or chi in the room. The plant is believed to spread soothing mood around him.

What do the different numbers mean lucky bamboo stalks?
Did you know that is linked to ancient Chinese tradition, the number of straws in your bamboo plant with attracting a large number of good luck in your life.

2 sticks of lucky in love
3 sticks of happiness, success and longevity
5 stalks Wealth
6 sprigs of peace, harmony
7 Good health stems
8 stalks Prosperity
9 stalks of luck
10 sprigs of Totality
21 stalks Blessings

Please note that a lucky bamboo must be avoided at all costs with 4 bars, as it is in the Feng Shui assumes that misfortune, to be more precise, the death beckons.

What steps should I take care of my lucky bamboo plant?
If yellow stalk begins on your system, it must be completely removed to prevent damage to healthy green stems. This also applies to dark, decaying roots and yellow leaves.
Water is one of the things that the plant needs to grow well. Do not use chlorinated water. Otherwise they will not survive.
To ensure that the water without using chemicals, run tap water into a container and let it sit out uncovered for about 24 hours to allow the chemicals to dissipate.
Change water at least once a week.
If you have an aquarium at home, put the bamboo in it. The plant thrives on the microscopic organisms found in these waters.
Light is another factor that contributes to the growth rate, the production of chlorophyll and the general development of the Lucky Bamboo. Since this plant grows in dense shade under the dense rain forest of equatorial Africa, or excessive direct sunlight would be too strong for them.
Place the bamboo in a room that gets no natural light. Be sure to change his position every 3 to 4 days, so it receives a sufficient amount of sunlight.
The Lucky Bamboo also requires nutrients for growth. Add a few drops of aquarium plant using food on the water you while filling the tank of 1:10 of the recommended strength of a standard plant food. This should be done every two months or longer can be used as feed too much will backfire.
If the bacterial growth gets out of control and the plant appears to wilt quickly, add 1 to 2 drops of an anti-bacterial solution to the water crisis. NOT more than this amount.
Addition, pebbles and stones and other ornaments in the pot / plant vase placed be kept clean.
Keep away from the reach of children and pets. If ingested, lucky bamboo leaves to be slightly toxic.
Put the plant in the vicinity of artificial sources of air temperature regulators such as air conditioners and heaters.
This system is best at room temperature. It is absolutely not tolerate, hot / cold weather.

Although the plant can survive for a long time, it needs proper care to flourish in a healthy way for them to attract good chi. A healthy plant, lucky bamboo has pristine white roots with thick, lush green leaves and stems is fixed. If it gives off foul odors, the plant is definitely not in the good case. This plant can only be in a clean environment, free from bacteria thrive and algae growth.
By Rachna Gupta

Feng Shui Ihr Schlafzimmer

Feng Shui Ihr Schlafzimmer
Wir haben alle über die alte Praxis des Feng Shui-die chinesische Kunst der Platzierung hörte. Immer über die Verwendung der Kunst des Feng Shui im ​​Schlafzimmer gedacht?
Von Deborah Lambeth

Das Ziel des Feng Shui ist es, eine angenehme Umgebung, die Gesundheit unterstützt und lädt Glück zu schaffen. Einfach ausgedrückt, ist ein Feng Shui Dekoration Überzeugung, dass unsere Umgebung uns zu beeinflussen. Und kein Raum in Ihrem Haus sollte mehr Einfluss haben als Ihr Schlafzimmer, da Sie mehr Stunden dort einen Tag verbringen als irgendwo sonst in Ihrem Hause.

Zuerst stellen Sie sich diese Fragen ist Ihr Schlafzimmer eine Oase der Ruhe? Ist Ihr Schlafzimmer ein Rückzugsort für Sie, um sich auszuruhen? Ist es ein Ort der Romantik? Ist es ein Ort, wo Sie fühlen sich erfrischt und erneuert? Wenn nicht, kann ein wenig Feng Shui genau das Richtige für Ihr Zimmer braucht. Jayme Barrett, Autor des Feng Shui Ihr Leben, sagt, dass im Schlafzimmer, "Feng Shui hilft Ihnen organisieren den Raum, um Ihre beste Erholung und Verbindung mit Ihrem Partner und mit sich selbst zu unterstützen",

Hier sind neun Ansätze, die Sie ergreifen, um Ihre "nichts" Schlafzimmer in eine, die Komfort, Ruhe und Frieden ausstrahlt drehen kann.

1. Nutzen Sie die Farbe. Wir alle würden zustimmen, dass Farben eine wichtige Rolle in unseren Reaktionen spielen, wenn wir in einen Raum gehen. Warmen, satten Erde und Hauttöne wie Terrakotta, Kupfer, Korallen, Sahne, Pfirsich-, Tan und Kakao dazu neigen, eine gemütliche und einladende Atmosphäre im Schlafzimmer zu schaffen. Helle, natürliche Farben wie Hellblau, Grün-und Lavendel machen das Schlafzimmer ein ruhiger Ort sowie heilende Energie laden. Pink und Rot sind die Farben der Romantik und mit ihnen sparsam um das kann die Romantik in einer Beziehung zu verbessern. Andere Farben wie Burgund, Magenta und Deep Purple sind auch Farben, die verwendet werden, um den gleichen Effekt erzeugen kann. "Es gibt keinen Zweifel daran, dass Farbe unsere Psychologie und unsere Physiologie auswirkt", sagt Kennedy.

2. Wo Sie Ihren Kopf, wo Sie Ihr Bett zu bringen. Um Ihnen ein Gefühl von Sicherheit, während Sie ruhen der beste Ort, um Ihr Bett zu positionieren ist so weit weg von der Tür des Schlafzimmers wie möglich. Die Ecke des Raumes schräg gegenüber der Tür ist in der Regel am besten, da es Sie Abstand von der Tür und hält das Bett ohne direkte Ausrichtung mit den räumlichen Öffnung. Positionieren Sie Ihr Bett unter einem Fenster, das die symbolische Unterstützung und Schutz von einer festen Wand fehlt, kann zu unruhigem Schlaf führen, da Energie ein-und austritt durch das Fenster, sagt Kennedy. "Kopfteile, vor allem diejenigen solide aus Holz, sind gutes Feng Shui betrachtet, weil sie zusätzliche Kraft und Unterstützung hinter dem Kopf zu bieten." Trittbretter, auf der anderen Seite werden als Blockierungsmittel Vorwärtsbewegung eines jeden betrachtet. Ihre Füße sollten nicht darauf hin die Tür, während im Bett. In der traditionellen chinesischen Kultur, weil der Verstorbene heraus Füßen durchgeführt werden zuerst, nennt man dies das "Death Position." Vergewissern Sie sich bei der Positionierung Ihres Bettes, um genug Platz um das Bett zu verlassen für Energie frei fließen, und für jeden Partner aufstehen mit Leichtigkeit.

3. Ecken schneiden. Wenn Sie sich für Schlafzimmer-Möbel suchen, wählen Stücke mit weichen Linien und geschwungenen Formen. "Square Ecken haben zu viel Energie darauf hingewiesen und können eine 'scharfe' Umfeld zu schaffen", erklärt Barrett Jayme, Autor des Feng Shui Your Life (http://www.jaymebarrett.com). Die "Giftpfeile" durch rechte Winkel gebildet werden gedacht, um ein Gefühl des Unbehagens verursachen.

5. Schließen Sie die Tür zur Welt. Ruhe, Besinnung und Intimität ist das, was Ihr Schlafzimmer sollte ausstrahlen. Trainingsgeräten, Schreibtisch, Computer, TV, Boom Box, etc. alles zeigen "busy-ness" und nicht zu fördern, die Ruhe, um in Ihrem Schlafzimmer herrschen muss. Sie brauchen einen Ort, wo man Stress abbauen und Ihr Schlafzimmer sollte kann dieser Ort sein.

Wenn Ihr Schlafzimmer hat als Arbeit oder Übung Raum funktionieren, verwenden Sie einen Paravent oder schönen Stoff hing an einem Decken-Gardinenstange, sie zu verbergen. Nur halten ein paar Bücher auf Ihrem Nachttisch, schalten Sie den Rufton am Telefon, und wenn man muss einfach einen Fernseher im Schlafzimmer haben, halten Sie es in einem Schrank oder Schrank. "Zuschlagen einer Tür" gibt ein Gefühl der Ruhe, um einen ruhigen Schlaf zu haben. Stoff drapiert über den Fernseher, wenn Sie ihn nicht verwenden einen ähnlichen Zweck dienen.

6. Erstellen Sie einen Platz für zwei. "Mit nur einem Nachttisch oder Raum nur auf einer Seite des Bettes zu klettern in und out ist sehr symbolisch der Einsamkeit, und können tatsächlich halten Sie Ihren Single-Status an Ort und Stelle", sagt Terach Kathryn Collins, Autor von The Western Guide to Feng Shui Zimmer von Room. "Single Menschen neigen auch dazu, Accessoires und Kunst, die Einsamkeit schildern haben, [wie] eine einzelne Blume in einer Vase."

Eine Möglichkeit, schmücken wenn Sie Single sind ist es, zwei Personen im Raum zu visualisieren. Ort Nachttische und Lampen auf beiden Seiten des Bettes, und in Paaren oder in einem Vielfachen Accessorize. Ersetzen Sie, dass eine Blume mit einem Blumenstrauß in einer Vase und die Verwendung Kunst, die Romantik und betont die Einheit.

7. Das Öffnen und Schließen Sie die Augen. "Das letzte, was du vor dir siehst, zu schlafen und das erste, was Sie sehen, wenn du deine Augen öffnen sollte etwas, das Sie spüren Freude und Inspiration macht sein zu gehen", erklärt Barrett. Bei der Entscheidung darüber, was das "Ding" sein wird, über Dinge, die Sie gerne sehen, spiegelt sich in Ihrem Leben-Erfolg, Liebe, inneren Frieden, Freude würde denken, etc. Die meisten Feng Shui Dekorateure schlage nicht setzen Familienfotos im Schlafzimmer. Das Schlafzimmer sollte auf Sie (und Ihr Partner) zu konzentrieren.

8. Benutzen Sie das richtige Licht, nicht das Nachtlicht. Im Laufe des Tages in der Feng Shui Schlafzimmer, möchten Sie viel natürliches Licht. Es sollte weiches Licht in den Abend und die Dunkelheit sein, während Sie schlafen. Abgesehen von der positiven Energie, die es vermittelt, erhöht sich das Sonnenlicht in den Morgen-und Serotonin-Spiegel können Sie für den Rest des Tages zu beeinflussen. Bei der Auswahl der Fenster Behandlungen, wählen Sie Abdeckungen, die leicht geöffnet, um den Tag zu begrüßen kann und zog geschlossen für die Privatsphäre und eine umfassende Atmosphäre nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit. Legen Sie alle Lichter im Schlafzimmer auf Dimmer zu, die Sie manuell erstellen ein Gefühl der Ruhe.

9. Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen kleinen Raum. Es ist wichtig, ein schönes Schlafzimmer zu schaffen, aber es ist auch wichtig, einen Raum zu schaffen, dass Appelle an Dinge, die Sie lieben, zu riechen, tasten, schmecken und hören. "Machen Sie das Schlafzimmer Ihrer sensorischen Schatzkiste", sagt Collins. Mit schöner Bettwäsche und spielt entspannende Musik, ein Wind hängen vor Ihrem Fenster oder Anzünden von Kerzen Gong auch dann Ruhe zu Ihrem Schlafzimmer zu bringen, so dass, wenn Sie zu Bett gehen Sie entspannt sind und wenn du aufwachst, Sie erfrischt und erneuert-bereit, das Gesicht sind neuen Tag!
Durch Buzzle Mitarbeiter und Agenturen

Feng Shui bedroom layout

Feng Shui bedroom layout

With regard to problems in your career or your love life? Try a Feng Shui bedroom layout for peace, progress and success in your life to bring back.
The science of Feng Shui originated in ancient China. The Chinese art has been in practice for the last 7,000 years. Feng Shui is pronounced as "Fung Shway ', which means wind and water. When described in simple terms, Feng Shui is the art of placing objects in a closed space, in such a way that it helps promote optimism, progress and happiness in your life. Feng Shui is based on the fact that everything is controlled in nature and by a force or energy, called chi is based regulated. Feng Shui is a methodology to achieve the optimal flow of energy to serenity to bring into your life. This is achieved by following a typical strategy for the placement of objects and furniture in areas where you obtained quality time. The bedroom is a place where you usually spend 6-8 hours a day. If you follow the Feng Shui bedroom layout, you'll wake up refreshed, recharged and ready for whatever the day has in store for you. The placement of a particular object in a room can hinder or stimulate the chi. This has a direct effect on your mental and physical health, and thus life in general.

Feng shui tips for bedroom layout
Check the positioning of doors and windows in your bedroom. Chi tends to flow between the door and a window. Do not place your bed in this line, as it lacks chi.
Place the bed as far away as possible from the front door. This follows the practice of our ancestors who never used to sleep at the entrance of the cave. Logically, it gives you time to prepare to fight against any problem in store for you.
According to the principles of Feng Shui, the colors are very important when driving in the direction you and your chi square. Therefore, you choose the color of bed sheets, decorative items, curtains, bedroom wall colors carefully, taking into account every aspect.
Apart from feng shui bedroom colors, the positioning of the bed in the bedroom is also very important. Place it in an area to see from where you the door. This is a feeling of personal security and confidence.
Never sleep on the bed with the window near the back of the head. The Chi is to scatter through the window, so you tired and irritable when you awaken. Instead of sleeping with a solid wall behind the head.
If you have a toilet or bathroom, the most out of your bedroom, always closed their doors while you sleep.
Set a low night stand or a low table on the right side of the bed. This looks like a tiger crouching in position, and symbolizes your willingness to take action when the need arises.
Place tall items such as shelves and drawers as large on the left side of the bed. This symbolizes a dragon, which remains high above the ground and makes your wisdom and the ability to reflect on information.
Should be avoided according to a typical Feng Shui bedroom layout, keep shoes or slippers near the front door or under the bed. This is because chi flows with the wind, and it can carry the stench of such shoes. This can result in a kind of disease.
If you share your bed with someone, then set the bed the same distance from the walls on both sides. This equation and balance in the relationship. If you like keeping a pet table at the side of your bed, keep one on each side. This is an important tip while your bedroom according to Feng Shui bedroom layout, because it symbolizes a turtle, which represents stability and security and gives you a sense of protection.
The most important feng shui bedroom tip is that you clean the area to keep near your bed. The phoenix, the vision and inspiration is, you need space to fly out ahead in order to examine the country and gather information.
Avoid placing your bed under a beam in the ceiling. Beams will press on the flow of energy that creates a downward force, the pressure on the chest, head and body.
Avoid situating light directly above the bed, but put it beside the bed.
Point your study table in a position such that when you sit down to read or write, your back is a wall. This increases the power of concentration and commitment. Such placement will help your child to sit comfortably and study for longer hours as well.
A bedroom mirror that can bring serious problems the bed. For example, a couple can attract a third person affect and disrupt their relationship. Place the mirror in such a way so that you can see the reflection of the front door to her.
If all the above-mentioned item is not available in your bedroom, then in accordance with Chinese feng shui tips, you should use the mirror with a dark colored plastic cover at bedtime. You can keep it uncovered during the day.
Do not try all electronic devices, including televisions, electric alarm clock to place in your bedroom. The reason is that the electromagnetic waves can disrupt the normal flow of chi in your bedroom. If you can not help it, then cover them during the night while you sleep.
Pictures hung or stored in your bedroom have a great impact. Choose them carefully. Images should be a reflection of your dreams and goals in your life. Suppose you are single and have long, about a relationship with someone, then the image should not be a happy couple and a single, solitary human being.
Keep water out of your bedroom, in the form of the image. Water creates an energy field too many emotions. As water has a cooling effect, it shows lack of passion. Avoided for the same reason, a fountain or an aquarium to keep in your bedroom. Instead, keep them in a relatively active area of ​​your home.
If you want to make the entire interior of your home and office, you can learn more about the same. Feng shui bedroom layouts, many people have changed the attitude and approach to life. Try it out and experience the difference first hand.
By Kalpana Kumari

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The feng shui with bamboo.

Bamboo plant in water.

Lucky bamboo plants, bamboo and water has become a part of almost every household today. With the help of this article will look at ways they can do to take care of houseplants ...
Indoor plants not only. But beautiful. But to brighten the atmosphere of the room where they are stored according to feng shui, there are some houseplants that are stored in the home can bring peace and prosperity luck. One of these popular houseplants that can be seen in many offices and homes is bamboo lucky bamboo plant is known only in water. But contrary to its name, these plants are not true bamboo plants. They are a species of the family. Dracaena and are sold in pots and vases. They are so named because they resemble a bamboo shoot. These plants can be found in their natural habitat in the forests of Cameroon in West Africa. They grew up professionally in China and Taiwan and marketed from there to the rest of the world as a lucky charm. Lucky bamboo is a part of the house to take care of bamboo plants in water. Bamboo grows well in a home and need water and are sometimes little fertilizer for growing them. Follow these instructions to care for lucky bamboo plants, bamboo, and you'll find it is always fresh and free of disease.

When you go to the store to buy home furnishings, bamboo plants, lucky, you will find these plants in pots are temporary. So you need to buy a vase or container, bamboo, glass, width of your pot, you can also decorate the container with colored stones and a crystal ball.
The following factors should be taken into account in the care lucky bamboo is water, because these plants can survive in water, you should check the acidity of the water before you place your lucky bamboo. The water level should cover the period of plant age and should be one inch from the base. Additional water can cause root rot, and they will in no time. Water should be changed regularly once a week to avoid the growth of fungi that are potentially harmful to the plant.
Although most are grown in water, bamboo lucky that grow well in soil. The soil should be rich in good. Meat should be kept moist. Soak in water than the soil can make plants susceptible to fungal diseases and destroy them.
Instructions care lucky bamboo and a collection of potted plants from the sun lasts. This does not require power plants and grow well in filtered light. Direct exposure to sunlight can burn the plant. It is also advisable to keep this plant in a room with good ventilation.
Bamboo grows well in warm temperatures. Keep children close to AC or cooling vents can cause leaves to yellow and wither. This will result in the death of the plant.
Add a drop of weak fertilizer to water plants once a month for maintenance. Lucky bamboo is specially formulated fertilizers and plant foods available in stores.
Fortunately, cutting or cutting the bamboo plant, bamboo plants to maintain good health. Protrusion, with scissors, you can cut an inch from the main stem. The plant will grow new hair seem fuller and bushier, if you do not want to push new growth, then you can add a drop of paraffin to cut rods. You'll also be able to plant trees in the form of a spiral by exposing a portion of the Sun Turn the pot until you get the desired structure, but will require much patience.
With proper care, bamboo plants can grow in water for many years, these plants need very little maintenance and are relatively tolerant.
By Marlene Alphonse.